Planning Applications APPROVED:
Ref | Address | Application | Date of Decision |
27336/APP/ 2023/914 | The George, Bury Street | Installation of new car park lights to replace existing lights (retrospective) | 02/12/2024 |
11016/APP/ 2024/2504 | 19 Church Avenue | Erection of a 2-storey side and 1-storey rear extension, and demolition of garage with amendments to fenestrations. | 04/12/2024 |
17441/APP/ 2024/2671 | 134 High Street
Ruislip Greengrocers |
Installation of a new shopfront, front partition, advertisement, awning and shutters. | 09/12/2024 |
41441/APP/ 2024/2821 | 24C Ickenham Road | Erection of a single storey infill extension to the side. | 09/12/2024 |
33389/ADV/ 2024/49 | Jebsen House, 53-55 High St Food Centre | Installation of 2 non-illuminated vinyl signs | 11/12/2024 |
12766/APP/ 2024/2770 | 32 Ickenham Road | Erection of a first floor extension to the side and rear. | 11/12/2024 |
Planning Application WITHDRAWN:
Ref | Address | Application | Date of Decision |
24650/APP/ 2024/2532 | 51 Ickenham Road | Installation of solar panels to rear and side elevations, and associated battery storage unit to first floor side elevation. | 02/12/2024 |
Planning Application with SPLIT DECISION:
Ref | Address | Application | Date of Decision |
79099/TRE/ 2024/199 | Mimosa House, Monarchs Way | Tree surgery to establish high pollards at around 5.5m (just below gutter height) to Two Hazel, T7 and T8. Trim client’s side hard back as possible without losing green foliage cover, One Yew T6 all on TPO 513. Reduce height by 1.5m and lateral spread by 1m One Honey Locust (T2 on application) and One Paperbark Birch (T5 on application). To prune NW side of crown back by around 0.5m One Lilac (T3 on application) all protected by virtue of their location within RVCA. | 06/12/2024 |
Planning Applications REFUSED:
Ref | Address | Application | Date of Decision |
4574/ADV/2024/38 | 157 High Street
Side of Mail Box |
Installation of 1no. externally illuminated fascia sign. | 19/12/2024 |
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