Lidl’s plans for a supermarket on the site of The Orchard are now available


Lidl have filed their planning application for the new supermarket on the site of the The Orchard (which they have erroneously named the Orchard Inn) on Ickenham Road.  It is online now.

We have invited them to attend a special online public meeting in a similar arrangement as we had last year for the redevelopment plans at the Barn Hotel, so we hope to be able to put our questions to Lidl and their representatives, and to have a conversation with them as a residents’ association and community.

The planning application is dated 27 December 2024, but it went live on the LB Hillingdon website only today, 27 February 2025. The original December application was filed by Lidl with Hillingdon with no supporting documents, so Hillingdon had to ask for about 20 additional reports and documents before they could even validate the application.

The public consultation (your opportunity to make your views known) opens today, 27 February 2025, with a deadline for comments of 20th March – so there is no immediate rush to send in any kneejerk reactions.  We have time to read and consider their plans before we respond.

We will be updating this page, and our mailing list, with details from the application as we process them – and of course will announce details of any public meeting as soon as we have them.

Please join our mailing list so that we can keep you up to date. 

Don’t forget, our AGM is on 9th April at the Winston Churchill Hall: we’d like to see you there, but that will be after the consultation closes.  Our mailing list is the best way of us being able to stay in touch between issues of the Town Crier and our six-monthly public meetings.

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