Local Venues

We’ve organised the venues into three categories. You can click on the name of a venue to get more information on the activities held there.*



Manor Farm Site

Venue Activities
Manor Farm Coffee Mornings
Open Forum Debates
Manor Farm Library Tiny Tunes
Knit & Stitch
Poetry Workshop
The Great Barn Artisan Food & Craft Market
Farmers Market
Ruislip Central Horticultural Society Shows
The Stables Ruislip Sinfonia Community Orchestra
The Bowls Lawn Ruislip Bowls Club
Mill Bowling Club
The Guide Hut Ruislip & District Natural History Society
Winston Churchill Hall Hillingdon Decorative and Fine Arts Society
Monthly over 65s Tea Dance

Church Halls

Venue Activities
Most Sacred Heart Church Hall Little Voices
Ruislip Baptist Church Hall Pre-school and Toddler Groups
Rainbows; Brownies; Guides
Ruislip Methodist Church Hall Ruislip Gramaphone Society
Little Shakers Pre-school
Hillingdon Choral Society
Weight Watchers
Ladies Social Club
Soda Painting Club
St Martin’s Heart Church Hall Line dancing
Tea dances
Lunchtime Concerts
Power Hoop Fitness
Rainbows; Brownies; Guides
Children’s Party Hire

Other Venues

Venue Activities
The Royal British Legion Bar and Social Activities
(membership open to over 18’s
GAA Sports & Social Club Ruislip Women’s Institute
Grosvenor Vale Sports Ground Ruislip Social Club (Bar and Social Activities)
Wealdstone FC
Tropic at Ruislip (live music venue)
Ruislip Rock ‘n’ Roll
Wednesday Afternoon Tea Dance
Eastcote Community Association Eastcote Art Society
Saturday evening and Friday afternoon monthly dances
Northwood College Ruislip & Northwood Flower Arrangement Society
A Community Event at Manor Farm

A Community Event at Manor Farm

Manor Farm Site

Manor Farm

Coffee Mornings

Coffee mornings are available from 10.30am with guest speakers.

Open Forum

“If you enjoy debate about current affairs, but would rather look people in the eye than shouting at the television, Open Forum could be for you. Bring your reasoning powers and an open mind.”
Meet at Manor Farm Library the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. Time 6pm to 7.30pm.
For more information contact John on 01895 634074 (weekdays)

Manor Farm Library

Tiny Tunes

Songs, rhymes and stories for babies and toddlers – Wednesdays 10.30am to 11.00am.
Parents/Carers are asked to stay with the under 5’s to ensure the toddlers safety.

Knit & Stitch

Every Tuesday 6.00pm to 7.30pm.
“Come and enjoy knitting, sewing and creative crafts, make friends and swap tips. Refreshments provided.”

Poetry Workshop

Meet on 1st Thursday of every month starting 3rd October 2013 6pm to 7.30pm.
“Would you like to meet other poets to share your work, talk about poetry and receive feed- back on your work.”
For more information email: .

The Great Barn

Artisan Food and Craft Market

Held on the 3rd Sunday of each month from 10am to 3pm in and around the Great Barn. Free parking in St Martin’s car park and friendly dogs are welcome.

Farmers Market

Held on the first Sunday of each month from 10am to 2pm in and around the Great Barn. With around 30 local producers of food, face painting, pony rides and much more for children.
See www.duckpondmarket.co.uk for further information.

Mad Cat Crafts (shop at the front)

Hand painted and decorated objects for the home and garden.

Ruislip Central Horticultural Society

Hold two gardening and craft shows here annually. See their website for more details: ruisliphorticultural.org.uk/

The Stables

Ruislip Sinfonia Community Orchestra

Ruislip Sinfonia Community Orchestra are looking for more players.

“If you are over 16 and have a good standard of playing (grade 6 +) we would love to hear from you. We are especially keen to meet all string players. We meet on a Monday evening (term time only) between 7.30pm and 9.30pm.”
For more information: www.ruislipsinfonia.org.

The Bowls Lawn

Ruislip Bowls Club

Ruislip Bowls Club is open to all adults. A very friendly bowls club.

  • An exciting sport
  • Exercise for the body and mind
  • A most picturesque location (heritage site and lovely gardens)
  • New players always welcome – tuition provided
  • Social Activities including – Gala Day, Drives, Coach Trips and a Christmas Party.

For more information:  www.ruislipbowlsclub.co.uk

Mill Bowling Club

A friendly and competitive bowls club.
For more information: www.millbowlingclub-ruislip.co.uk

The Guide Hut

Ruislip & District Natural History Society

Ruislip & District Natural History Society was founded in 1949. Meetings are held in the Ruislip Guide Hut, (next to The Great Barn in Bury Street) starting at 8.15pm.
The society covers a wide range of natural history interest topics and are usually illustrated with slides of digital images.

  • Come on the outdoor walks. Visit attractive areas in good company and learn, and see something new.
  • Meet local people who are also interested in all aspects of natural history – birds, wild flowers, bats, other mammals, dragonflies, conservation, countryside appreciation etc.
  • Receive the newsletter and keep in touch with local wildlife matters.

For more information : www.ruislip-districtnhs.co.uk.

Winston Churchill Hall

Hillingdon Decorative and Fine Arts Society

Every second Wednesday of the month at 2pm in Winston Churchill Hall. Cost £42 per year. Ten lectures a year about art and culture from around Britain and further afield. See website or phone Ann Lowe on 01895 638147 for details.

Monthly over 65s afternoon Tea Dance

The Tea Dance is hosted by Philip usually on Thursdays monthly from 1:00 to 3:00pm. This is free entry under the Hillingdon residents over 65s activities program but those outside the borough are still welcome as guests of a Hillingdon resident.
Advance booking is advisable; telephone 01895 556688 or Book online. See the booking page for dates.

Sacred Heart Church Hall

Sacred Heart Church Hall

Church Halls

Most Sacred Heart Church Hall

73 Pembroke Road, Ruislip HA4 8NN 01895 632739.

Little Voices

Pre-school Mon – Tues – Wed – Fri 9.30am to 12.00 noon.
For more information call Mrs Gadwell on 01895 632560.

Ruislip Baptist Church Hall

122 Manor Way, Ruislip HA4 8HR 01895 631239


Up to 2yrs 3mths – Monday to Friday 9.15am to 11.05am – Term Time Only – £7.50 per session – 07919 206502.


Age 5 to 7 – Thursday 4.30pm to 5.30pm – Term Time Only.


Age 7 to 10 – Tuesday 6.00pm to 7.30pm – Term Time Only.


Age 10 to 14 – Friday 7.00pm to 8.45pm – Term Time Only.

For more information on the above please call 01895 631239.

Toddler Club

Wednesday 1.00pm to 2.30pm – Term Time Only – £1 per family.

Little angels Parent & Babies

Friday 10.30am to 11.30am – Free of charge.

Ruislip Methodist Church Hall

Ickenham Road, Ruislip HA4 7BZ 01895 632826.

Ruislip Gramaphone Society

“A lively progressive recorded music society which meet on alternate Tuesday evenings in room 5 at the church from 8pm to 10.00pm. Limited parking is available at the Church and there is street parking nearby. The aim of the Society is to promote the enjoyment and appreciation of recorded music played on first class equipment in the company of friendly like-minded people. Programmes are given by a wide range of presenters, including professional musicians and recording experts. The annual subscription is £30 and new members are always welcome. Visitors are welcome as temporary members and a £3 donation is invited. This is refundable on becoming a member.”
For more information contact Mike Paddy on 01895 637389. Events programme see www.thefrms.co.uk/affprogs/rgs.htm.

Little Shakers with Vanessa

Pre-school classes combining Movement, Music and Fun.
Monday 10.00am to 10.40am for ages 1-2; 10.45am to 11.25am for ages 2+.
For more information phone Vanessa on 07712 588177.

Hillingdon Choral Society

Monday 7.45pm to 9.45pm.
A wide range of music – First term free for new members.
Contact 01494 680329.

Weight Watchers with Karina

Tuesday 12.30pm.
More information 0845 6070685.

A Social Club for Ladies

Held on the first Tuesday of every month 2pm to 4pm.
“Come along and enjoy good company, interesting talks, excursions and theatre outings.”
More information 01895 672435.

Soda Painting Club

“We need some recruits – Please come and join us – Art for all.”
Find out more: Barbara Capp 01895 638495.

St Martin’s Church Hall

Eastcote Road, Ruislip HA4 7AU 01895 624498.

1st Steps Line Dancing

Monday 11.30am to 1.30pm for Beginners and Improvers.
Contact Stephanie 07958 643307.

Yoga Fitness with Gina

Tuesday 9.45am to 11.00am – £7.00
“The classes incorporate: Flexibility, Strength, Balance, Core Conditioning, Breathing Awareness, and also teaches, Focus & Relaxation.”
For more info call Gina on 07905 410431 or www.yoga-4-you.co.uk. A fully qualified and insured yoga instructor.

Tea Dance

Tuesday 1.30pm to 3.30pm. Entrance £4 to include refreshments.
“Latin, Line Dancing, Ballroom, and popular Sequence – Why not come and join us to get fit and healthy.”

Lunchtime Concerts

On a Wednesday lunchtime at 12.15pm a wonderful concert is held which is free to all who wish to attend.

Power Hoop Fitness with a Twist

A 45 minute workout on Wednesday and Thursday mornings between 9.15am and 10am.
For more information call Maggie on 07769 567430.


Thursdays 4.45pm to 5.45pm, age 5-7.


Tuesdays 6.00pm to 7.30pm, age 7-10.


Fridays 6.30pm to 9.00pm, age 10-14.

Hall Hire for Children’s Parties

Up to age 6 – £80 for three hours and includes use of the kitchen.

Ruislip GAA Clubhouse

Ruislip GAA Clubhouse

Other Venues

The Royal British Legion

Ruislip High Street – located at the end of the passageway in between Daisy Chain Florist and Metro Pizza.

The Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion are looking for new members – all you have to do is visit the club pick up a form from over the bar, complete and return. Anyone over the age of 18 can apply to join.

“The club has a fantastic snooker table so dad, why not join and then bring along your young adults and have a game of snooker, it is great for bonding with the teens in the family and beats sitting in front of the TV at home. Has a huge TV for all the footie etc. Low price drinks and friendly faces. At lunchtime: toasted sandwiches, selection of coffees all at very, very competitive prices.

Enjoy :-

  • Days at the races – no driving just hop on the coach
  • Coach trips to the coast in the summer
  • Bingo on a Thursday evening
  • Live groups on a Saturday throughout the year
  • Fantastic New Year Eve Party with food and Big Ben on the wide screen

It really is a very friendly place so why not join today. Please ring 01895 632328 for more information.

GAA Sports & Social Club

West End Road, South Ruislip HA4 6QX.

Ruislip Women’s Institute

The WI meet on the 1st Thursday of each month at 7.30pm to 10.00pm in Upper Room, GAA Sports & Social Club.
“Want something different but not too taxing, yet fun? Come and see for yourself and meet some new people. There is no obligation to join for the first meeting is FREE! Our aim is to learn and share experiences, make friends and have fun.”
For more information: Kim Murphy 07989 558925 or email .

Grosvenor Vale Sports Ground

Grosvenor Vale, Ruislip HA4 6JQ. 01895 637487.

Home of a thriving social club and football team.

Ruislip Social Club

Three bars and function hall. Lots of activities. ruislipsocialclub.co.uk.

Wealdstone FC

Football in the National League South. wealdstone-fc.com.

Tropic at Ruislip

Friday night live popular music; some Saturday and Sunday specials. tropicatruislip.co.uk.

Ruislip Rock ‘n’ Roll

Thursday night 50’s style lessons and club dancing; 8 – 11pm. jiverevive.co.uk.


Monday evening 8 – 9pm Tel: 07835 120642 (Haley)

Tea Dancing at the Vale

Wednesday afternoons 1:30 – 4:00pm. Ballroom, Latin and Sequence
hosted by Philip of P J Music and Dance; £4. More information – pjmusicanddance.wordpress.com

Eastcote Community Association

Southbourne Gardens, Eastcote, HA4 9SQ.

Eastcote Art Society

Activities and Demonstrations held fortnightly on Monday evenings from 7:45pm in the Cedar Hall. Please check website for details. eastcoteartsociety.org.

Social and Tea Dances

Saturday evening and Friday afternoon monthly dances held in the Oak Hall. Ballroom, Latin and Sequence.
Please check website for details – pjmusicanddance.wordpress.com

Northwood College

Maxwell Road, Northwood HA6 2YE.

Ruislip & Northwood Flower Arrangement Society

The meetings take place at Northwood College on the first Tuesday of each month. For more information contact 01923 829621.