Tea Dances

Winston Churchill Hall, Ruislip

A tea dance is held here monthly hosted by Terry and Rita Crump. This is now free entry under the Hillingdon residents over 65s activities programme but those outside the borough are still welcome as guests of a Hillingdon resident.

Advance booking is advisable; telephone 01895 556688 or Online booking. Once again the booking system has been revised and booking will be available when attending the previous dance or online or phone during a 3 week window before each dance. Dates are on our Local Events listing and on the Hillingdon online booking webpage.

There is no tuition at this event.

Ruislip Social Club, Grovenor Vale

New weekly Wednesday afternoon Tea Dance, 1:30 – 4:00. Ballroom, Latin and Sequence
hosted by Philip of P J Music and Dance; £4 on the door. – pjmusicanddance.wordpress.com

Middlesex Suite, Uxbridge Civic Centre

Following on from the successful Jubilee Tea Dances further Tea Dances will be held monthly for over 65s. This is now free entry.

Booking is required and will be open for a three week window before each dance. Further information and booking details can be found on the Hillingdon Council website.

The Winston Churchill and Civic Centre Tea Dances are sponsored by Hillingdon Council.

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